Monday, December 30, 2013


525,600 minutes.  How have you spent all those minutes of 2013?  Was it a good year?  A bad year?  How do you measure? 

For us, the year was full of changes, challenges, and triumphs.  When 2013 began, Mini & Me didn't exist.  Baby Vie was limping along, and we were uncertain about our vision, our goals, the direction our little shop was heading in.

As a matter of fact, our landlord almost roosted us because he wanted a yogurt or ice cream shop in our spot.  I think he still wants a food store in our spot, but thankfully, he granted us a little more time in our little corner.

All spring, we struggled with our vision.  We painted.  We re-arranged.  We hired.  We fired.  We dreamed.  We cried.  We juggled our time, our money, and our emotions...

Until it just came together.  In one sunny summer month, we were suddenly blessed with clarity...a new name, new team members, a new look, a new direction...July of 2013 marked the birth of Mini & Me. 

Fashion shows, fundraisers, sporting events...We were in constant motion meeting new friends, shopping for new products, making a difference in our community...

During Childhood Cancer Awareness month in September, we sponsored the Gold 'n Hope fundraiser bringing in gift cards for Rady Children's Hospital oncology families and funds for the Children's Oncology Group. 

We sponsored a local girls' SRSC team, and we hosted fundraisers for RPPW (Penasquitos Pop Warner) cheerleaders and 3-Day Breast Cancer walkers.  And all year, we collected donations for Gently Hugged (providing newborn clothing to families in need) and the Hidden Valley House (a shelter for victims of domestic violence).  Operation Winter Warmth was our December sweater drive, and we collected hundreds of pounds of clothing for these organizations.  We have been thrilled and humbled by the generosity of our customers and neighbors with each of our fundraisers.

Our favorite fundraiser was our SHINE fashion show.  Watch SHINE! Click HERE  We love supporting AJ's CRANE toy drive, a local radio show's toy drive for Rady Children's Hospital, and we wanted to do something really special to encourage donations this year.  Local teens volunteered to model for us, and several oncology families from Rady's also agreed to be in our show.  Every single model was gorgeous and poised and showed off our holiday fashions with style!  We were so excited to connect our audience with some of the patients their donations were helping, and we were able to take 4 huge boxes of toys to the toy drive after the show!!

As the year draws to a close, grateful is the best way to describe the way we feel.  We've been given some magical opportunities, and we have met some of the most outstanding, generous people in the country.  Thank you for supporting us, our store, and our causes all year.  We reflect on 2013 gratefully and anticipate optimistically an even better year in 2014!

Tuesday, December 10, 2013


As we mentioned in our last post, Mini & Me had a fashion show.  That's pretty standard fare for a clothing boutique, but ours was special this year.  Because we were collecting toys for a local radio station's toy drive for Rady Children's Hospital instead of collecting admission, we thought it would be most fitting to invite Rady's patients to model for us.  We were fortunate to have many oncology patients and their families step forward to participate, and several teens from the community joined them to create SHINE 2013!  The models were positive and inspiring and truly started our holiday season in style and grace.  Please watch this special show and share it with your friends.  Your donations at the holidays and all year go to real kids...Kids fighting battles that threaten their lives and rob their innocence.  Their families are scared and often face tremendous financial burdens related to treatment.  Your donations bring light and joy and relief to these precious lives.  Thank you if you came to our show, if you donate to a children's hospital charity, and for supporting our store and our causes!

                      Watch SHINE 2013:  click here to watch SHINE  

Monday, November 25, 2013

SHINE, the fashion show

Please enjoy this beautiful slideshow from our benefit fashion show, SHINE.  The show was held on 11/9/13 and benefitted Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego.  Click HERE to watch SHINE

Sunday, November 24, 2013


This week, all of us are gathering with family and friends to reflect on the things we are grateful for.  In retail, the focus at this time of year tends to be...has to be...on selling holiday gifts.  In fact, many retailers are working straight through Thanksgiving as if the holiday doesn't exist or was created to be an extra day off for people to get some shopping done!

We are family run business, staffed by local family and friends.  Our family has survived some critical challenges in the past few years, including the life threatening cancer diagnosis of our son, Nick.  We LOVE fashion and style and selling our wares.  More importantly, we love and appreciate each other, our families, and our amazing clients.

We will be closed all day and all night on Thanksgiving.  We will open for Black Friday at 8:00 am on 11/28/13 and will be running awesome discount specials both Friday and Saturday!!

If the shopping bug does hit you while we're closed, we are running an online sale all week.  From now-Thursday night at 11:59 pm, use promo code "Thankful" to save 25% on our website.  (Promo code is case sensitive)

Please enjoy and appreciate the gift of time with your loved ones on Thursday.  Happy Thanksgiving!!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013


Not to alarm you, but there aren't very many shopping days left before Christmas.  (Sorry, I have to say Christmas vs. Holidays.  I know Holidays would be more politically correct, but how do you countdown the shopping days until "The Holidays?"  What?!?!) 

Don't be fooled because it's not even Thanksgiving yet.  Thanksgiving is coming late this year folks, and if you're like me and haven't really started your shopping yet, you're in trouble. 

If you really want to stress yourself out, here's a Christmas countdown.

Mini & Me has some great gifts for you, your mom, your sister, your kids' teachers, and oh yeah...your kids! 

                                                            This cozy scarf is super soft!

                                                We only have one of these great cuffs left!

                                             Lots of Kelly Rae Roberts in stock right now!

                               Santa prefers champagne!  Great ornaments for your wall or tree!

                               We have lots of fancy fashions for your minis' holiday photos!

Don't have time to come in to shop?  No problem, call us at (858) 695-3535.  We can deliver within San, gift baskets, corporate gifts, personal shopping.  We can ship anywhere in the U.S.

AND we're open 24/7 online!  Shop at our online store! Click here to visit our website.

All season long, watch our Facebook page for sales and specials.  We are planning lots of fun savings events on Black Friday and Small Business Saturday! 

So relax.  Mini & Me is here for you.  We'll help you shop.  Help you save money.  We'll wrap for you.  Even deliver.  It's OK.  We've got this!